Having always had an interest in both design and development, Dan has currently settled somewhere in the middle of the two. Notable likes include coffee, semantic markup, being pedantic about grammar, the Oxford Comma, and the nuances of the English language in general.
What do you do at Headscape?
Most of my day is spent taking the carefully crafted pixels from the designers, transforming them to content-first markup and reusable styled components, ‘making it responsive’ for various shapes and sizes of devices, and bashing Internet Explorer with a stick. I also dabble with ‘proper code’ from time to time, and ponder whether my job title should be ‘Tech Lead’, ‘Front-end Developer’, ‘Client-side Developer’, or simply just ‘Minion’.
I love ‘making things work’ and following a project through its life, so any project that lets me get stuck into some CMS integration, funky JavaScript, or nice little user interface interaction features I find to be great fun, and satisfying when it all comes together.
What has been your favourite project to work on and why?
It’s difficult to pick a favourite, but wireframing a really unorthodox user journey idea for UHI, consulting and rapid-prototyping a mobile interface with Nestlé, building the complexities of themeable user interface components for Macmillan English Campus with Leigh, working with Ian on Dickstein Shapiro’s eFolio feature, and getting to build Ed’s designs for Blackpool Pleasure Beach’s mobile webapp were thoroughly enjoyable.
Wilson Sonsini
Field Studies Council
Staffordshire University
Hatch Mansfield
VSO – Voluntary Service Overseas
Competition Appeal Tribunal
Universitas 21
British Lung Foundation
Royal Entomological Society
Curtin College
Lung health of the nation
Palgrave Macmillan
Dickstein Shapiro
University of the Highlands and Islands
Macmillan English
Macmillan English Campus
Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Higher Education Policy Institute