
  • Marcus Lillington

    Are carousels that bad really?

    I want to challenge current web industry thinking concerning carousels/sliders/galleries (which is – in a nutshell – they’re bad) with what, seemingly, most of the world thinks of them.

  • Chris Scott

    Lovely data

    We’ve been working with lots of data recently in several projects and it’s been a lot of fun. Trying to figure out how best to present the data has made us think about user interfaces and user engagement in ways that we hadn’t really had to do much before.

  • Ed Merritt

    Creating useful pattern libraries

    Pattern libraries are great, but designing them (well) is difficult.

  • Marcus Lillington

    Does Agile methodology lead to poor interface design?

    There has been a lot of finger pointing at frameworks such as Bootstrap for an apparent depreciation in design standards lately. But, I think that Agile methodologies have something to answer for as well.

  • Leigh Howells

    Does your site have charisma?

    Over the last couple of years I’ve heard many people bemoan the fact that a lot of websites “are all starting to look the same”. There’s a certain amount of truth in this.