Rosalind Franklin University is a medical institution in Chicago which serves postgraduate students. We worked closely with them to develop a digital strategy that casts the delicate balance between meeting the needs of students, prospective students, and the institution.
What really struck us with RFU is how their desire to instigate a real change in the institution’s handling of digital, came from the recognition that the needs of their students have changed.
The president of the University took the decision to hire us after Paul Boag’s book ‘Digital Adaptation’ was circulated around senior management. The book identified many of the problems they’d found themselves facing in a world with increased reliance on digital. They looked to us to help them create a strong, digital strategy to take them into the future.
We also provided them with:
- An analysis of their competition.
- A look at the analytics of their website.
- An assessment of the current digital team’s strengths and weaknesses.
It was really great to work with an institution that is so enthusiastic and committed to the cause of developing its digital presence.